Pest Management Goes IoT

Pest management Goes IoT
Pest management Goes IoT

Pest Management Goes IoT; in an industry which is highly reliant on skilled labor, it makes good sense for operators to look towards technology when growing their businesses.

IoT has already made a significant impact in rodent management. A process which was highly labor based has now become more efficient, more effective and highly traceable using IoT Technology.

An early market leader was Wisecon (now owned by Antcimex), the number of manufactures now offering Electronic Rodent Management has grown significantly in recent times e.g. Bayer. Typically, these devices use electronic sensors to count or alarm on trap captures. The Service Provider remotely monitors these devices allowing them to make timely and effective responses. Intervention is still required but the technician’s time is used far more effectively. IoT eliminates the man hours lost checking inactive traps or bait stations.

Labor saving is the most obvious advantage of IoT.  Secondly, is the Traceability. This is significant to both the Client and Service Provider, particularly when property value, quality and health standards are a priority. For the “in-house business boffin” IoT also offers a “hidden jewel”, a growing data base of information. Information that can be used to drive business practices, marketing programs, regional alerts or client reports etc.

The not so obvious advantage is a heightened level of employee satisfaction, achievement and general moral. The Knowledge that they are effective and not just a number (on a “wild goose chase”) is immeasurable when it comes to workplace satisfaction.

While Rodents may have been the test case, Cockroach and Moths are now IoT connected. 

A market segment which is globally larger in revenue than that of Rodents has also gone IoT. Yes, Termites; Pesense offers their TermiSensor, a Patented IoT system for Termite Bait Stations delivering all the advantages listed above.

 It’s inevitable that Pest Management Goes IoT.

For more information please contact us