“The times they are a-changin” in termite management.

“The times they are a-changin” in termite management.
Industry and legislative bodies continue to direct best practices towards sustainable reductions in chemical reliance. The era where chemicals are a sole deploy and forget solution are a-changin.
A large percentage of Termite mitigation relies on soil saturated chemicals or the deployment of annually refreshed chemical baits.
“Them times are a-changin”, TermiSensor’s Always Alert 24-7 technology provides the sustainable deploy and forget alternative.
Combine TermiSensor with Pesnese’s Delivered On Time (DOT) technology and you have a truly IPM compliant solution for termites.
Pesense’s DOT technology offers a reduction in chemical reliance, year on year exceeding 95 % (compared to the above termite chemical reliant solutions.).
Pesense proudly sustainable.

For more information contact us